Pick My Brain

1 husband, 1 preschooler, 1 baby, 1 dog... insanity? probably.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Fable in action

Why yes, you can get cuter...
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Niall LOVES Rowan's mane. Especially when it's on Rowan. Rowan likes to be loved... if he's in the mood.
We have 2 parties to go to tomorrow! Good times. Yes I will take the camera. Yes there will be a snapfish album coming soon. I need to figure out how to set up lists on my gmail account. Otherwise roadrunner might still be good for something.

The mouse

Can you get any cuter?!?
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

bloggity bloggity blog

Yes we're still here. It's just been the usual general mayhem around here. Niall slept through Sunday night, didn't last night, same story... We're trying to push stuff back in preparation for the time change too. And there's a nasty cold going around that we've so far managed to avoid. We have two Hallowe'en parties on Friday, so we're going to have fun making cupcakes on Thursday.
So it's been the usual. Niall learning to do things, Rowan testing his limits hourly... Just life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


The most annoying costume to sew...
The cutest ever once it's on the boy...

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Our scary lion!!!

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This is what he looks like when he's getting ready to roar. OOOOOH Scary!

Another day!

Niall slept through again last night! Woo hoo! Both times he's done the whole she-bang, it's been after a day where he would NOT nap in the afternoon, but he was a total grouch in the evening so I know he's not ready to give up his nap.
This morning's nap was only about 40 mins, so he should still take an afternoon nap. We'll see if the trend continues.
Today's agenda includes finishing Rowan's lion costume and at least getting Niall's mouse costume cut out.
And yes, there will be pictures once they're completed. :)
To work!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I've enabled the comments function now, so you may leave a note if you like.
So many of you have said that you enjoy reading this, it makes me smile.


We didn't get the big chunk of sleep last night. 2 steps forward, one back right?
No matter. We're going to the fair today!

Monday, October 17, 2005

walking on sunshine

Little man slept straight from 11 (when I woke him up to feed him) until 5:45. His best ever.
That's 2 nights in a row with a solid chunk of sleep. We are on the way!

Went to the grocery store today and as I was leaving, Niall on my hip and holding Rowan's hand, each had a balloon and I had my keys in my teeth, an old lady stopped and grinned at us saying, "What beautiful children. You sure have your hands full don't you?"
I do that ma'am. I do. But it's more fun than not.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Niall slept straight from 10:30 - 4:20 last night. That may not sound like much, but for us that's pretty amazing. Of course then he was up for a little over an hour, but it was less time awake than he spent the night before. So it's slowly improving.
I did print out a novena and put it in my pillow, so perhaps it's God and St. Philomena on my side. :)

We had a nice day today though. The solid block of sleep did wonders for us. We went out to Apex Community Park and walked along the lake, and then played at the playground. We also stopped by one of the ball fields so that Rowan could run the bases. He looked so little out there! and he'd come running to home plate and stop on it holding his arms over his head and say, "home run!" So cute.
Niall didn't nap this afternoon. When I put him down tonight he was OUT, didn't even need rocking.

Now it's me time. Time to sit, knit, and watch Desperate Housewives. ahhhhh

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sleep Deprivation

We've about decided that Niall is too stubborn for the no cry sleep solution. I was up a lot last night patting him, and one time he went to sleep as soon as I put a binky in his mouth -- we are NOT starting that one. Finally after I fed him at 5 (after I'd been up 2 and a half hours... John went to the guest room earlier, so at least one of us would be coherent when Rowan woke up.) I was dangerous on my feet, so I had to lay down. Of course he cried, but I was right there and was literally too tired to care. It seemed like forever but when I looked at the clock it had only been 10 minutes, and he was asleep. Is this crying it out? I'm not even sure I care anymore...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Ho Hum

Nothing much to say today. Just the usual. Went to Carter's, went to the park, came home for lunch, naps...
John turned in the draft of Chapter 1 today, so we wanted to celebrate. Went to Macaroni Grill, fed Niall a jar of food, gave him some bread bits, he hurled, we packed up our food and came home.
It's one of those days where it feels like we won't ever do nice things again. And one of those days I'll forget about when they're older.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Rowan has become very imaginative lately. He will sit in a bin for an hour pretending that he's in an airplane. He takes select toys in there with him to go on his trip, and hugs me goodbye before he leaves. Most of his trips are to Las Vegas.
He's also making up words, which can be annoying at times. Like yesterday when I asked him what he wanted for lunch and he requested "bounce." When asked to elaborate he said, "you know. Bounce!" ummm yessssss. I gave him balogna.

Every Morning

Every morning, Rowan comes to tell me this:
"We had breffuss! Because we woke up and it was another morning and we had some breffuss. Because that's what boys do."

For some reason, this doesn't get old.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


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Hey Mikey, I think he likes it!

A New Look

Yes yes, this is the same template that Kerry uses, but I like it better. So there.

Sleep Log

I haven't done a sleep log in a while:

7:35 to bed. Nursed, rocked to drowsy, patted to sleep.
10:30 we woke him up to nurse
2:47 - 3:15: We played the stand up game. I won.
5:30 up to nurse
6:30 up, thought he was up for the day so I nursed him, but he fell back asleep
8:30 (holy cow!): Up for the day.

Little man was catching up on sleep too.
Hours of sleep: 13!
Wakeups: 2!
Consecutive hours: 4


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sleep and cuteness

On Sleep

Well that one blissful night of sleep has not been repeated.
I'm a sleepwalker today. Niall was up for 2 1/2 hours last night. He just didn't want to sleep. It was actually probably pretty comical to watch. He would work his way up to standing, I would lean forward (I was in the rocker next to his crib) and lay him back down and pat his head, then he would stand again. Over and over and over, and neither one of us making a peep. He was like some sort of horror movie zombie that just wouldn't give up. Finally went to sleep though, and then woke at 5:30 to eat. I fed him and put him back in the crib, and we did the standing thing again but only for about 15 minutes before he gave up and went to sleep.
Soooooo I think that's my new tactic. And I've found that if I don't say anything to him and lay him right back down when he gets to a stand, he doesn't start crying. Weird...

On Cuteness
I recorded Rowan singing Bicycle Built for Two this morning, only he was saying Niall Niall, and he calls it the bicycle man song.

Niall managed peas that were hand cranked and not strained. He didn't like it, but he did it anyway. I belive that this child does not like change, and so anything different will have to be introduced firmly for him to believe that it has to be. I can't spend all my time in the kitchen straining his food.
John is working from home today. It's still raining and has been since last week. We might see sun on Friday. I am hopeful.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Conversations with a 3 year old

Rowan: Are you making dinners? (he always puts an "s" on there)
Me: Yes I am.
Rowan: What are you making?
Me: Chinese food.
Rowan: Ooooooh Chinese food! I LOVE Chinese food.
Me: I'm so glad!
Rowan: What's Chinese?