Pick My Brain

1 husband, 1 preschooler, 1 baby, 1 dog... insanity? probably.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

chef du jour

Today when we were on the way home from our playdate, I asked Rowan what he wanted for dinner. He was very adamant about his choices, so I decided to let him cook. He chose the menu, and did all the putting things in pots and such that a 3 year old could do.
Our menu
Macaroni and cheese (plain mac for Niall)
Green beans

Dinner was a rousing success.
Rowan was pleased

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Rowan says: Can we watch my new dog movie? Lady and the Funk?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Niall's first haircut

Niall's first haircut was actually Feb. 28th, but it's taken me until now to get the pictures off the camera.
Niall had quite the 'do with his long curly locks

But a high chair with a bowl full of water to play with made the job much easier. It didn't hurt that the entire famly was surrounding him with attention the whole time!

Little man put up with it very well. But finally he said


Not to worry, Mamaw. His curls are shorter, but there.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Climb on in

It's apparent that Niall is a climber. Rowan wasn't really, so this opens a whole new realm of mayhem.

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As you can see here, he's removed the top of the playcube Mamaw sent him so he could climb inside. He did this unaided.

And here, he just obviously needed a better view of what Loki was doing outside. Those are steps on the dinosaurs tail for a reason, aren't they?