Pick My Brain

1 husband, 1 preschooler, 1 baby, 1 dog... insanity? probably.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

Friday, August 18, 2006

Mr. Sensitive

I've been meaning to get Rowan and Niall a doll stroller ever since we visited Rachel and they were practically fighting over Elizabeth's. So when we were out the other day, I finally remembered to get one. The cheap ones only came in pink, but no matter. Rowan picked the pink he liked best and we brought it home -- with the firm understanding that if they fight over it I'm putting it away.
So far, so good.
We took the stroller to the farmer's market today, so he could push one of his stuffed dogs around.
As you can see, Rowan is very happy with our new toy, as he pushes his one of his things around the house. A bouncing baby truck.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Another Gem from Rowan

Overhead from the living room
Rowan: Daddy, Niall is wet. You need to change him.
John: (laughing) You found it. You change him.
R: (exasperated) No daddy I can't. You have to do it. Loki is sniffing his butt and I can't reach the changing table.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We had this gate...

We have this gate that we used to keep Rowan out of the kitchen. It hasn't seen much use lately because there's no way we can turn Niall loose in the dining room - what with all my sewing stuff in there. It would just be a bad idea if he got in to all of that.
So today we had a new development.
Pictures tell the story pretty well. Note how he keeps checking to make sure John isn't yelling at him for doing this.

Ya. He's not going to be 2 until December. Ya. Everything you're thinking about how much trouble we're in is true. Niall is THAT baby. The one you've heard about. The reason the bookcases are bolted to the walls. The reason they make babygates in the first place. We have him, and he's on sale now for...


So now we've moved the old block-the-kitchen-off gate to where the now defunct gate used to be. We'll see how long it lasts