Pick My Brain

1 husband, 1 preschooler, 1 baby, 1 dog... insanity? probably.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

Friday, January 27, 2006

map it

Rowan loves to play with his leap pad map, touching the states and then asking me who lives there.
Today he asked,
"Who lives in Bark-ansas?"

Oh and I'm 30. Wee!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

State of crazy

John is reading one of his fantasy books that has the maps on the first few pages. Rowan was looking through it this morning and said, "hey Mommy here's your crazy state." This goes back to when he asks over and over where we're going and after answering him several times I get frustrated and say "crazy." He also has one of the leap pad books that names the states, so he's learing about maps and what they are.
This morning he was showing me my crazy state, and then pointed to another spot on the map and said, "This is my state. My state is called chair."

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Another try

Rowan got in big trouble for being mean to Loki and wasn't allowed to even touch her all day yesterday. He also lost all of his dog toys and books. It was very hard on him. Today we're letting him play with Loki again some, and we'll see how it goes. He's just not getting it that he can't hit her, so the tolerance level is very low, but I believe this is making an impression.

In other news, Niall got new pants.
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Monday, January 16, 2006

ahhh song

Rowan is singing and playing his piano in the living room.
Actual lyrics, "And Bingo was his Nemo." :)

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Niall has been going through a biting thing - no not when he nurses, other times. Like he'll come up and wrap his arms around you and take a chomp. Yeowch! Love bites? I'm not sure. But he gets sat on the ground and told 'no bite' every time, so I'm hoping it won't last.
So yesterday after he did this and got sat down and was crying, Rowan looked at me and said, "Mommy can I sit on your lap? I won't bite you." Very seriously.
And he didn't.

Friday, January 13, 2006

And it continues

I haven't been posting so much. We've been dealing with a stomach bug. I thought we were in the clear, but Rowan started blowing chunks this morning, and so we go...
I need to get out of the house. Mom's night in tonight. Heidi's "tupperware" party. Wee!